Tweefontein Town Planning, Rezoning and Subdivision

Tweefontein Town Planning work is being done on Portion 15 of the farm Tweefontein 360-KT, in extent of 290.1649 hectares and registered in the name of Kadoma Investments (Pty) Ltd. in terms of Deed of Transfer T21513/2008.

The proposed subdivision and rezoning relate to a farm portion, which has not been used for farming purposes for many years and with no agricultural value or potential, while situated within a growing and predominantly mining and industrial area of Steelpoort. The intention is to subdivide the property into four (4) portions, creating sections to be aligned for mining related industry and service delivery land use purposes.

Application has been made to the Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality for the Subdivision of Portion 15 of the Farm Tweefontein 360-KT into four (4) portions (three (3) subdivided Portions and the Remainder), as follows:

  • Proposed Portion A : ± 79.25 ha
  • Proposed Portion B : ± 135 ha
  • Proposed Portion C : ± 35 ha
  • Proposed Remainder : ± 40.9149 ha
  • Application has also been made for the Rezoning of the subdivided portions of Portion 15 of the farm Tweefontein 360-KT from ‘Agriculture’ to ‘Agriculture’ and ‘Special’ as follows:
  • Proposed Portion A: An area of ± 79.25 ha for a Solar Plant (PV) Energy Generation Facility with the following proposed zoning: Special
  • Proposed Portion B: An area of ± 135 ha for the processing and refining of vanadium, titanium, and iron bearing materials with the following proposed zoning: Special
  • Proposed Portion C: An area of ± 35 ha for water and wastewater storage and dams, water and wastewater treatment, purification, and distribution facilities with the following proposed zoning: Special
  • Proposed Remainder: An area of ± 40.9149 ha for future industrial township: Use Zone : “Agriculture”